Greetings from President Ken
June 19, 2017
Good morning everyone. And, a belated Happy Father’s Day.
I want to thank Chuck Drumm and his committee for organizing the Club’s Charter Night. The room was buzzing with conversation and laughter. It was an enjoyable evening. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
The program for this week’s meeting will be the Annual Meeting of the Sunrise Rotary Club Foundation and their report to the Club. Also, please remember to bring a restaurant gift card to be presented to the Giffels family during their time of challenge.
At the June 28th meeting the induction of officers and new board members will be held and Louis Fricke, Noon Club Exchange Student, will make a presentation.
Don’t forget that you can purchase tickets at $20.00 each from Larry Faulhaber for the $2,000 Appraised Value Necklace donated by Jeff Broestl of Broestl and Wallis Fine Jewelers. Larry will have tickets at all the meetings until August 9, or until all 100 tickets have been sold. The winning ticket will be drawn during the social fundraiser to be held on Wednesday evening, August 9th, at the home of the Haber’s. As of last Wednesday, 54 tickets have been purchased.
President Ken