February 20, 2017
Good morning!
I want to thank the following members who joined me last Tuesday evening, February 14th and volunteered at the Rocky River Assistance Program Food Bank to sort and pack food for needy families in our community…Larry and Rosemary Faulhaber, Mike Hamed and his son, Marty and Jim Harris, Jim Rowe, Jim Penning, Bill Gaydos, and Monica Fujiwara.  Afterwards, a number of us gathered at a local restaurant for food and beverages.  It was a fun and enjoyable evening.  
The program for this coming week’s meeting will be a vocational speech given by our fellow Rotarian, Kent Zeman.  In my absence (knee replacement on the right leg), either Chuck Drumm or Jim Rowe will lead the meeting.  I should be back by mid-March.  
Club’s Fundraising event will be held on Saturday evening, May 20, 2017 at the Unitarian Church located at 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River.  We will also be celebrating our Club’s 10th Anniversary.  So, save the date and start getting the word out to your family, neighbors and friends.  
March 3, 2017 is the District event to celebrate the Rotary Foundation at Hale Farm and Village.  The cost is $25 per person.  The District is asking every club to donate an item, a basket or an experience.  Our Club is donating a wine basket in support of the event.  
Cleveland Clinic Lakewood has stepped up to host this year’s Ambulance Chase - a highly-anticipated community event for over fifteen years. This annual spring tradition of fun and fitness is scheduled for Sunday morning, May 7, at Lakewood Park.  Proceeds from the event will benefit Beck Center for the Arts’ Creative Arts Therapies. For information or to register, visit hermescleveland.com/road racing/events/ambulance chase or contact Hermes at 216.623.9933.
President Ken